Pieces you need:
2 large rectangles
2 arches
2 triangles
2 semi-circles
1 play mat
2 small rectangles
✔️ Step 1: Place the 2 large rectangles beside each other standing tall touching side by side.
✔️ Step 2: Lay the playmat down in an L shape where the L part in the air is resting on the 2 large rectangles. This forms the roof and another wall.
✔️ Step 3: Place a semi-circle in an arch and lay it down to form the bottom of the third wall.
✔️ Step 4: Put the second arch on top of the arch/semi-circle wall to create the window.
✔️ Step 5: Place down the two small rectangles on each side of the entrance (opposite side from window) with the semi-circle on top to complete the door.
✔️ Step 6: Place the triangles on top the roof with their flat sides touching to form a complete triangle.