Green Friday 2021

Green Friday 2021

We’ve all heard of Black Friday, but have you heard about Green Friday? 

It’s the sustainable alternative popping up to replace some of the unnecessary impulse buying done on Black Friday. Green Friday aims to encourage everyone to shop thoughtfully and not just make a purchase because the deal is there. Overconsumption leads to unnecessary waste. Simple as that. We want to be a part of a future where we buy what we need and think about the entire life cycle at the product development stage. 

Our tagline is “Toys that do more™.” It is part of our mission to create multi-purpose toys that can substitute for owning several toys. This allows families to own fewer toys, which will result in less material entering the landfill. Down the road we hope to offer a variety of sustainability programs such as offering individual foam pieces for replacement and a take-back recycling foam program. 

 We think it is wasteful when someone purchases the same toy in blue that they already own in pink. We think it is shameful that there are toys so poorly made that they break the day they are opened. We think there is so much room for the industry to do better. We are a new company and have so much we want to change and contribute to this vision over time. The current changes we are trying very hard to accomplish right now is our goal to manufacture in North America and swap our fabric to a more sustainable option. 

So for these reasons, we have decided to participate in Green Friday this year by donating $25 from each sale to the David Suzuki Foundation. David Suzuki has been championing environmental causes in Canada for decades. His foundation focuses on a variety of initiatives across the country. And until midnight on November 30th “Giving Tuesday” all donations will be matched. So for your purchase on Green Friday, it will result in $50 being donated towards environmental causes in Canada. 

We hope you’ll join us in being thoughtful with your purchases and the types of companies we want to support and the type of planet we want for our children.